Be wary of rental ads on Craigslist when they ask for a deposit first. Many scammers are, and have been, copying ads for properties for sale, and re-posting them as for rent in hopes of getting a deposit from would-be renters. If you suspect this, email the details to (make sure you include the URL or 10 digit post ID number in your email).
To avoid scammers, some helpful hints include:
1. Deal locally with people you can meet in person;
2. Don't wire funds via Western Union, Money-Gram or any other wire service;
3. Phoney cashiers checks and money orders are common, but you will be held responsible weeks later after the bank cashes them;
4. Never give out financial information;
5. Don't get involved in deals that involve shipping services, and know that only scammers will guarantee your transaction.
Other ways to file a complaint include:
-The FTC @ or 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357)
-Better Business Bureau @ or 804-648-0016
-Internet Fraud Complaint Center @
-The non-emergency number for your police station
Questions? Send us an email or give us a call.
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